Lec 25~28
Linear Algebra - Lec 25~28: Eigenvalue & Eigenvector, Diagonalization, PageRank · Example: Shear Transform · Example: Reflection · Example: Expansion & Compression ...
PageRank Explained
2020年3月12日 — It is equivalent to calculating the eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue 1 by the power method (a.k.a. power iteration). v = M ...
PageRank Algorithm
Fact: The PageRank vector for a web graph with transition matrix A , and damping factor p , is the unique probabilistic eigenvector of the matrix M , ...
The $25000000000 Eigenvector
由 K BRYAN 著作 · 被引用 461 次 — Google's success derives in large part from its PageRank algorithm, which ranks the importance of webpages according to an eigenvector of a weighted link matrix ...